Quantum Huna
(Beyond the Five Senses)
This set was inspired by Allen Lewis and his Kahuna Wisdom CD set. The basic structure of that set was Religion. While he attempted to explain that Huna was not a religion and he was right, he continued to deeply embed and use a belief in one all powerful entity to whom we must all pray. And then uses the Huna Prayer as a prayer. As I have written before, the Huna Prayer is not a prayer. It is a manifestation ritual with YOU as the source of power.
Energetic comparison of Huna and Organized Religion is eye opening. I personally liked the set for its handling of Fear, Guilt and Sin, therefore I have created a new Quantum Huna series which while similar to Allen's is much much different.
The first thing you will learn is why you are an energy being first. Followed by an introduction to the REAL SIXTH SENSE. You will learn:
• Ritual Versus Reality
• Huna History and Key Word Definitons
• A Deep and Strong Foundation
• The THREE SELVES and the 10 Bodies
• Energy Generation and Conflicting Sense
That and more on CD 1 and on CD 2 you will absorb:
• How the brain processes language and the concept of CHAIN OF THOUGHTS
• Why the Kahuna had THIRTY different words for CHANT
• Resonance, Haemony and Attraction are connected
• The one Kahuna Commandment
• Is the Force Real
• The Power of Self Talk of Yourself and Other
• What is Trance
• Building Rapport among the Three Selves
Then we get into your memory and the understanding that an event cannot be removed and replaced as many or most Huna people including Allen Lewis teach and counselors, psychologist, and psychics are taught.
• The History of Guilt, Fear and Sin and what each really means and from where it came.
• How Hate, Grudges, Obsessions, Fascinations and Fixations are embedded in the Subconscious
• Neuro Nets and Peeling The Onion
• Simple Talk
• Breaking and Reestablishing Mental Relationships to produce a Healthy, Prosperous and Harmonious future
And then on Number 4 where you will discover:
• What is really behind the terms "Removing Blocks" and "Changing Memories"
• A dedicated session on Sin and Money
• A special time for Sin Versus The Creator
• Some very important information about SEX and "Good Versus Bad"
• The KEY to upping your self esteem by "Making NO Comparisons"
WOW you ready to BUY NOW wonder just how much more there can be on the final 4 CD's
So on Compact Disc number FIVE we will cover:
• Fixations such as looks, weight, economic status, intelligence.
• Ho'oponopono
• Aka Cords
• Meditation Versus Manifestation
• Energy Sources, Energy Rituals and how to evolve from mental clearing to harmony to manifesting
Then More Details on CD 6 to include:
• The Kahuna Bill Of Rights to guide your thoughts and actions
• How to protect, grow and increase YOUR self esteem
• Find out about consequences
• What is laughter and why you should pay particular attention to it.
• Automatic reactions of Unihipili (the Subconscious Mind) versus Uhane (The conscious rational Mind)
• Maditation Challenges
• Lies and the TRUTH that will truly and sincerely set you FREE.
Then comes Number 7 where you continue with:
• The Huna Prayer
• The Ha Rite
• Manifesting and each Step by Step
• Action Versus Reaction of behavior and thinking
• Same and Like and the Difference You will then wrap up by understanding the differences between:
• Mana, Mana Mana and Mana Loa
• Healing and Health
• Mental and Physical
• Inteneion and Will Power
• Cleasnsing and Protecting
• Using Objects and Anchors
These understandings shall make you a new person moving in the direction you want to move and you look upward and know that you are on the right path.
Straightforward, Inc. | 2259 Old Highway 70., Durant OK 74701 | (580) 366-5820 |